Buy 1 Vine, Get the
2nd for Half Price!
"Many flowering vines thrive in Florida's mild climate. By carefully choosing among this diverse and wonderful group of plants, you can have a vine blooming in your landscape almost every month of the year. Vines can function in the landscape in many ways. When grown on arbors, they provide lovely "doorways" to our homes or provide transition points from one area of the landscape to another. Undesirable trees, posts, and poles can be transformed using vines to alter their form, texture and color.
Vines can be used to soften and add interest to fences, walls and other hard spaces... and, finally, vines attract wildlife" like butterflies. Many vines have flowers that feed the butterflies and the caterpillars called nectar and larval plants.
We currently stock the larval Pipevine for the Spicebush Swallowtail, and Blue, Purple or Red Passion Flower Vines for the Gulf Fritillary & Zebra Longwings, our state butterfly. Other vines in stock may include Allamanda, Bougainvillea, Coral Vine, Bleeding Heart, Honeysuckle, Mandevilla, Wisteria, Sky Vine, Confederate Jasmine, and even Muscadine grapes that arrived this week.
For extensive information from the University of Florida including How Vines Climb, Proper Planting and care, read more here:
Hanging Moss Baskets
Check out these new preformed, high quality black chained baskets that are priced economically by the piece or as a set. Made from Angel Moss-a blend of New Zealand Sphagnum moss that holds a considerable amount of water, these preformed liners are quick and easy to work with it and do not leave a mess everywhere. Side planting is a dream as holes are easily poked with a finger in the moss liners. Just plant the baskets dry, soak them down, and you're done! What a time saver!
Angel Moss soil conditioning marbles are a natural & biodegradable soil additive for moisture retention and an ORGANIC alternative to moisture crystals. 1.1lbs
Did some one say Father's Day? Ahhh, I guess I'll be shipping some Bougain (my dad's favorite bougainvilla fertilizer) and a naturally decomposing SEED Card to North Carolina this year. If you are blessed enough to have your dad in these parts, we reckon you might drop by and get him something that will keep on giving or better yet, a Palmer's Gift Certificate for those gardeners who seem to have everything!
Growing together!
The Palmer's Garden Team
ps. This week's newsletter is dedicated to my dad, who along with his dad, inspired a life long love for gardening. May you be blessed with such fathers!
2610 Corrine Drive~ Orlando, FL 32803 or
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